The Climate Coalition works with a wide range of experts and NGOs. If you do not find a suitable contact for you in the list, please contact the Climate Coalition coordinators who will be happy to advise you on who to contact or email us.

Lucia Szabová
Coordinator of Climate Coalition, Concerned Mothers

Dana Mareková
Coordinator of Climate Coalition
environmental law, participation, EU processes, air protection

Juraj Melichár
Priatelia Zeme CEPA
energy and heating, EU funds, fossil gas, LNG terminal

Jakub Hrbáň
The climate needs you
climate change, youth work, campaigns

Martina Paulíková
Slatinka Association
water policy expert

Andrea Hajdúchová
WWF Slovensko
nature conservation, nature-friendly forest management, protection of rare forests and woodlands, biodiversity, river revitalisation

Ivana Maleš
INCIEN - Institute of Circular Economy
environmental policy, strategies in the circular economy

Simona Hlaváčová
Circular Hub
circular economy, social entrepreneurship, organising

Dan Kollár
cycling, sustainable transport

Daniela Piršelová
Climate Conference Slovakia
media, communication, local governments